Arranging school fees in a reputed private school can be a hassle for many students who might not be in a privileged financial position to do so. But with the GIIS Future-Ready Merit Scholarship, you are in safe hands. The scholarship offers financial assistance to deserving and high achieving students who cannot afford to pay for their school fees. With this scholarship, recipients get upto 50% off on their tuition fees. Now isn’t it remarkable?
In this post, we will analyze the GIIS Future-Ready Merit Scholarship and what it entails. Additionally, we will outline a list of the scholarship’s essential tips to help you become a beneficiary. Since it is challenging to get awarded the Future-Ready Merit Scholarship, you need to put in a lot of effort and dedicate yourself to qualify for this prestigious scholarship.
In this post, we will show you how. Let’s begin.
Start the whole process early
As mentioned earlier, qualifying for the GIIS Future-Ready Merit Scholarship is a challenging task. It is aspired for by many and achieved by a few students. This happens because many students have similar qualifications, while only a handful of them have outstanding accomplishments to their name. While everyone is in a rush to prepare and compile information, a lot of mistakes can occur.
To reduce confusion, be prepared with all your official documents beforehand. Be it your transcripts or other academic results records – it helps to have all your documentation ready.
Be Proactive
Being proactive means actively engaging in your student life and participating in extracurricular activities. Additionally, showcasing your skills at the first opportunity and participating in voluntary activities will give you leverage over other applicants who don’t have more than their academic accomplishments to show.
Being dormant and focusing on your academic achievements alone will not help you secure a scholarship as all your competitors will have similar accomplishments. That said, we encourage you to pull your weight and put in a little bit of extra effort as it can go a long way.
Submit Outstanding Applications
Applications play a significant role in almost all scholarships. Applying for a scholarship does not focus only on your grades exclusively but also evaluates the application form. For the Future-Ready Merit Scholarship, a polished application that satisfactorily answers all the questions asked and fulfils the prescribed criteria will make a student secure a chance to be a beneficiary for the program.
On the other hand, a floating application that does not justify your qualification for the scholarship will not help you get the reward irrespective of your academic grades.
Check your Eligibility and Formulate a Plan accordingly
Planning entails preparing early-on for the scholarship by identifying the things that will be required to qualify. One thing that the Future-Ready Merit Scholarship considers is giving out standardized test grades to applicants. Therefore the earlier you start preparing for the test, the higher your chances of getting the scholarship will be.
On the other hand, eligibility is something that stands out in all scholarships. Apply for a Future-Ready Merit Scholarship only if you meet all the qualifications specified by the school. To check if you are eligible, read all the requirements carefully and follow all the directions provided, so you’re fully aware of your eligibility before applying for the scholarship.
Apply for the scholarship only if you are eligible because the failure to meet the eligibility criteria will be a waste of your time and effort. Your application will be dismissed, and the scholarship panel might be left with a negative impression of you when you apply for the scholarship in the future again. So the best course of action here is to be fully prepared.
Be Fully Aware and Show Enthusiasm
Being keen and involved can go a long way in helping you secure the GIIS Future-Ready Scholarship.
As a student, you don’t need to apply for all available scholarships, but you need to be committed to the scholarships you apply for. You need to know everything under the sun about this scholarship, including the application dates, scholarship criteria, number of awardees, interview dates, etc. Being fully aware and enthusiastic will show in the interview round, which can mean that you will make a positive impression on the panel.
In this post, we have outlined all the steps that might help you prepare and get the GIIS Future Ready Scholarship. What matters is being fully-aware and equipped with the right documents so that your application is smooth and successful.
Make sure that you apply for the scholarship at the right time, and keep in touch with the school counselor to get answers to all your concerns and queries. Keep an eye out for the application deadlines and try your best to thrive in extracurricular activities as much as you do in academic performance.